Friday, July 30, 2021


Namuwiki: Golden Child's Jibeom

(TIP: If you click on the [n] it will take you straight to the references section.)

Kim Jibeom (金知範)
February 3rd, 1999[1] (22 years old)
Namsan-dong, Geumjong District, Busan
176cm[2], 67kg[3], Blood type B, 265-270mm[4]
Parents, older brother
Geumsaem Elementary School (Graduated)
Namsan Middle School, Busan (Graduated)
Namsan High School, Busan 
(Transfer) → Gyeongseong High School, Seoul (Graduated)
Baekseok Arts University (Practical Music Dept. / Current)
Woollim Entertainment
Golden Child
Lead vocalist
Squad no.
Gaming, watching movies, riding a bicycle
Sijo-chang (poetic singing)[6], badminton[7], voice impressions[8]
Jibeomi, Dishwasher Jibeom[10]Beumddi Jibeum (beumddi: tiger sign)[11], Horaengi (Tiger)[12], ManJjitNam[13], Frog[14], Ijjarie (Here/this spot)[15], Compass[16], zibeom[17], YaeBwatNeoJal[18], The Full Moon Prince[19], King of Jajeoncha (bicycle) Beom Bok Dong (pun on the movie "Race to Freedom: Um Bok Dong")[20], Pickpocket Beom[21], Beomvely[22], Baby Bacon[23], Bae Ikheon[24], BeomDdoJan (Kim Jibeom, Jannabi again)[25]


  • He's officially Golden Child's #1 Hunted. Because of his generous personality and special wit, he takes any jokes that come his way. However, he doesn't seem to be the type to just hold it in every time he gets teased.
  • The members always say that he is really kind. The funny thing is that he doesn't deny that he's kind and rather acknowledges it.#
  • During a Weekly Idol appearance in WANNABE era, he wrote that both his strength and weakness were that he ‘walks on eggshells’. During another Weekly Idol appearance 7 months later, he wrote that both his strength and weakness were that he was ‘kind’.
  • He is the unofficial comedian. For some reason, funny situations keep happening to him, so it's not unusual that people say that he is a comedian that gets helped from the energy of the universe. According to Y, he has kind of a different 4D personality than TAG + an innate craziness. It is said that if Lee Jangjun is a comedian with an effort, Kim Jibeom is a natural-born comedian.
  • He is a member who fills the audio along with Lee Jangjun and Hong Joochan. While Jangjun and Joochan's roles are to MC, Jibeom is in charge of talking freely. He fills the audio with trivial ments and by adding stuff.
  • He describes his philosophy of life as 'just softly passing by'.
  • He is a positive person. During a show, TAG picked Jibeom as a member who has no worries about his older years. He himself said, "Rather than thinking about the future, I live in the moment."


  • He joined Woollim Entertainment in 2015 through an audition held at his academy.# He sang John Park's 'In The Rain'. He said that when he joined the company, he also sang Roy Kim's 'Spring, Spring, Spring' and Kang Seungyoon's 'It Rains'.
  • He's the group's family tree breaker #2. Bong Jaehyun,[26] Kim Donghyun, and Hong Joochan who were born on January, February, and July of 1999, respectively, went to school normally with other 99liners, but he was the only one who went to school with 98liners. Therefore, before they organized the tree, he was the same aged as 98liner TAG and the 99liners Jaehyun, Donghyun, and Joochan called him hyung, but he was organized into the normal 99line by the hyungnim-line. During a V LIVE on 201030, the episode of what their titles were at that time was revealed in detail. Right after the organization, he still couldn't get used to the new titles and secretly became friends with TAG and Seungmin. When they were caught by the hyungs, it immediately turned into a hyung-dongsaeng relationship completely the next day and he didn't talk to TAG and Seungmin for a few days. Up until that time he had been calling TAG with his real name but after that, he started calling him by his stage name.
  • He transferred to the same class as WEi's Kim Donghan around the same time. They became best friends because they were the only trainees at school. One of the pictures uploaded to Kim Donghan's trainee-days SNS was a mosaic picture, and the mosaiced person was Jibeom. They finally overlapped promotions and uploaded the pictures they took together to Twitter.
  • His mother is a painter. He sometimes talks about his childhood days and according to the many stories he shared about her studio and having tea with her, it seems that he is quite close with his mother. He also mentioned on V LIVE that his mother is very good at singing.
  • There is a choreo where he has to cover Jangjun's eyes with a blindfold in 'I See U' but on THE SHOW, he covered Jangjun's nose and on SBS Inkigayo he covered Jangjun's forehead, making Jangjun laugh.# On Chungha's "Listen" Radio, Jangjun said that he thought he was an owner of a sushi place.
  • He said he was good at math. He got a 100 at math in 8th grade. FYI, he said it was congruent but for some reason, when he spoke on V LIVE, he talked about the AA-similarity and SAS-similarity.
  • He gets teased a lot for his English ability in the group. His dream was to be a dentist but he saw that the chart was in English so he gave up on his dream.
  • He's strongly attached to his things, so he doesn't get rid of them and tends to hoard them. He says that he gives emotions to things. Because of that, the members often scold him to throw out the things piling up in the dorm. According to Lee Jangjun, it's to the level of an antique collector. It's said that he's building a home on his bed. The members' responses to this are all negative. TAG mentioned that Jibeom's bed is the only place that he doesn't touch, and Bong Jaehyun asked him, "How do you sleep in that?" But he calmly replied his members' diss with, "It's my home."
  • He has his unique gesture when he does his own parts. He raises his hand and makes a move as if shooting the side of his head. Among the members, Choi Bomin copies and makes fun of this gesture often.
  • He's been living in Seoul for quite a while but he still hasn't fixed his satoori.[27] You can see it getting worse following the hiatus when he had to speak fast or when he was flustered.
  • He was born in 1999, but he sometimes uses old words. For example, he calls café as "coffee house", phone cradle as "tripod", etc.
  • He tends to speak in third person POV: "Jibeom will do XX." This way of speaking also appears in the 1st episode of the webtoon for the Burn It promotion.
  • He has a habit of touching his hair or sideburns when he feels nervous or awkward. He also has a habit of clamping his mouth shut, but he said that it was a habit that he wanted to fix the most.#
  • He has a unique way of talking. He uses the onomatopoeia "Hookh" for certain actions. He's been using it since early debut days and his members also copy him now and then. He also uses English exclamations such as "Oh my God/Oh yeah" a lot. There's a 99.9% chance that he would use it during video call fansigns after trying hard to do aegyo or saying cringey comments that fans ask him to do.
  • His fingers are very long and pretty. It stands out even more when he dances a choreo that uses his hands.
  • His ears are soft and would fold when he puts his in-ear in. It's hard to see whether his cartilage has grown since 2019.
  • His skin is soft. He said that as a result, his face gets puffy easily. In reality, he was picked by Golden Child's makeup staff as the #1 member with the worst case of puffiness. The members tease him often because of his puffy face.
  • He said that the thing that he grabbed on his doljabi (t/n: first birthday party where a baby would grab something that will determine their future) was his mother's hand.
  • He doesn't eat cinnamon. He ate a cinnamon dumpling from a school lunch in high school and came to hate it after that.
  • His hand grip is 56.8 kg[28] and he seems to be on the strong side, judging by how he could split open an apple with his hands. At a later broadcast[29], as it turned out, he was picked as the strongest in the team by strength alone, he was the runner-up in thigh wrestling and was able to break 20 pine boards at once. According to the members, even if he doesn't work out, he was born with the physique.
  • Based on 'The Roadview Trip', on the way home after playing on a mountain during elementary school, he ran into scary older kids at a playground who told him to empty his pocket, but acorns came out of his pocket and he was able to return home safely.
  • He is a successful fan of the band Jannabi. Ever since his debut, he continuously covered their songs on his V LIVE or group Twitter account, introduce their albums, etc., proving to be a passionate Jannabi fan.[30] On 210122 Kim Youngchul's PowerFM, Jannabi's vocalist, Choi Junghoon, picked Jibeom's cover as the most memorable cover and Jibeom became a successful fan.# During a V LIVE after that, he conveyed his happiness that an artist he likes has recognized him. Finally, on 210421 WOOLLIM THE LIVE, he formally covered Jannabi's 'For Lovers Who Hesitate'. Choi Junghoon uploaded Jibeom's cover to his Instagram story and praised him.#
  • His eyesight is very bad. He used to wear thick glasses.[31] It was said that he looked very different when he wore his thick glasses compared to when he didn't wear his glasses and could cause someone to leave the fandom, so fans started calling it "Leaving-the-Fandom Glasses". He had a corrective eye surgery in August 2020, so we no longer can see him wearing his "Leaving-the-Fandom Glasses" anymore.
  • 210430 Ssengsuda: After his first appearance, he received a guitar from Lee Sejun, the host, as a gift. On his personal V LIVE, he showed the guitar as proof and revealed that its name was 'Kim Unknown'.


[1] Early 1999.
[3] Source: 201217 SUPER JUNIORのアイドルVSアイドル 2화
[7] He won in badminton during high school and dreamed of being a badminton athlete for some time. He often showcases his talent of picking up shuttlecocks.
[8] Rubber chicken, Parasite's Song Kangho, etc.
[10] During early debut days, he was in charge of the dishes for 7 months because they played the Ghost Leg game.
[11] After joining Woollim, he introduced himself as "Tiger sign Jibeom" so the members thought that was born in 1998. The zodiac sign was divided based on the onset of spring, so his sign is indeed Tiger.
[12] Although he was born in 1999, he was born in the early 1999, so his sign is Tiger. Tiger signs emphasize the truth and have a strong personality like a tiger, but because of the big difference between his appearance and his gentle personality, the members often make fun of him.
[13] The guy who tears into dumplings.#
[14] Or toad. His eyes bulge out so the members said that he looks like a frog/a toad when his eyes are swollen.
[15] It's Jibeom's adlib in 'Go Together' off of their 1st full album, but after this song came out, they were seen copying it often.#
[17] Refer to: <Hidden Track1| Golden Child> ep. As a result, he mentioned on V LIVE that many international fans have started writing his name as "Zibeom".
[18] Short for "Guys, did you see him? He's so handsome (YAEdeura BWAsseo? NEOmu JALsaenggyeosseo)". The reaction of the celebrity panelist when he appeared in King of Masked Singer.
[19] His nickname after appearing in King of Masked Singer
[20] His hobby is riding bicycle, so he was nicknamed "King of Jajeoncha Beom Bok Dong", and on V LIVE, he himself revealed that he had named his bicycle as 'Jajeoncha' (Jeolla satoori for bicycle).
[21] 200711 Show! Music Core 'ONE(Lucid Dream)' stage: a kind of choreo that happened due to the outfit. ※Pay attention to his hand
[22] Jibeom+Lovely. A nickname mentioned on V LIVE by Seungmin and Jaehyun.
[23] Refer to: 210209 ARA TV Golden Child ep. Bomin came up with the nickname.
[24] They call him Bae Ikheon or Ikheonie. A nickname derived from "Baby Bacon".
[25] 210430 Ssengsuda: short for "Kim Jibeom, Jannabi again".
[26] Bong Jaehyun also entered school with 98liners because he was born in early 1999, but because he studied in America during middle school, his progress was late when he came back to Korea so he ended up going to middle and high school with 99liners.
[27] Contrary to Y, who also came from Gyeongsang but quickly fixed his satoori, he still has the satoori intonation. However, the killing point is him deluding himself into thinking that he speaks with a perfect Seoul accent.
[28] Refer to: IDOLLIVE Idol Workshop (Golden Child ep) episode 3. He was #2 in the team.
[29] Refer to: SUPER JUNIORのアイドルVSアイドル 1, 2화.
[30] If you watch a collection of Jannabi covers, you will realize how many times he has sung and mentioned Jannabi, as 2/3 of the content in the collections are him. The nickname of BeomDdoJan that fans came up with is not an exaggeration.
[31] He revealed that because of his thick glasses, he wasn't that popular in school. He happened to take his glasses off and his friends recommended him to try on contact lenses.#

(Last updated: 210730)

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