Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Jangjun's Middle School Acquaintance Answers Questions About Him

I was in the same grade as one of Woollim's male idols in middle school and I can prove it

His identity is Golden Child's Lee Jangjun! This is the proof, the graduation album ㅇㅇ Look how worn out it is. Sue me if (you found out that) I stole these pictures

(If) Jangjun's fans have anything you're curious about, ask away !
Oh, Jangjun was famous in our grade in middle school because he was good at dancing. Also, he was such a lively kid ! He had fun being active and joking around every day during recess. He was definitely not a bad kid like an iljin (thug). He's a guy who gets along with all kinds of kids ! Jangjun was in class 1-4, 2-8, and 3-10 ㅇㅇ
To be honest, I didn't know that he was going to debut..Even now, I'm friends on Facebook with someone who's close with Jangjun


1. Heol heol how was Lee Jangjun's personality?? Did he have a lot of girlfriends??
∟ His personality was just like (any other) ordinary kid and about the girlfriend (thing), there's 1 person that I can think of. I know she's attending university in Seoul now. I think she wasn't really a girlfriend. I remember him not being hugely popular

2. Was his personality originally good and kind?
∟ Um, on the surface, he looks like someone who is cheeky, but he's kind on the inside *nod nod* His personality was good!

3.  Was his dream in middle school to be an idol?
∟ I don't know about that ㅠㅠ But he's popular for being a good dancerㅋㅋ

4. Was Jangjun handsome? When you saw him
∟ So-so. From middle school, I've never found him handsome

5. Was he good at studying??
∟ No no

6.  Have you heard Jangjun curse in real life? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I wanna hear it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His voice doesn't suit (cursing) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ Oh, I've heard him curse in a joking manner but I don't think I've ever heard him curse seriously

7. Were there a lot of girl around Jangjun?
∟ There were kids who were close to him just as friends in middle school. I don't think he really had any girlfriend. I can't remember anyone who dated Jangjun apart from 1 person,,

8. The kids who were close with Jangjun, they're Facebook friends with OP??Or are you Facebook friends with Jangjun?
∟ The kids who were close with Jangjun are my friends!
∟ Jangjun had a Facebook account until the early year of high school

9. How was his friends' reaction when he debuted?
∟ Just, they liked Facebook pages about Jangjun and when they saw Jangjun photos, they tag ㅋㅋ

10. Has he ever been a class president???
∟ No no, I don't think so? I'll ask a friend who was Jangjun's classmate

11. Jangjun has debuted, so what did his school friends say at first?
∟ The kids didn't promote it and I think everyone in our grade knew, and they even commented on (Facebook) pages about Jangjun or under pictures of Jangjun

12. Is there anything different from him now ?
∟ I think his voice is slightly higher?

13. What does OP want to say about Jangjunnie?
∟ Um..He's not a bad kid and he's cheeky without overdoing it

14. Has he ever something like a stage at school festivals?? Is there anything like an episode? that you remember...I'm curious...ㅜ
∟ I think I recall him performing
∟ Um, he was good at imitating Chinese (language) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

15. How was his study??
∟ He wasn't good at it

16. Is there any other silly episode like the fish-shaped bread fishing video??ㅋㅋㅋ
∟ No, but he was funny joking around in the next class during recessㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

17. Did he have a girlfriend?
∟ Mhm, during middle school
∟ Heok, was she pretty?
∟ Not to my standard. She was average
∟ What was her style?
∟ Simple, girly and innocent! I guess to me it was like the image of Park Boyoung ㅋㅋ
∟ Heol, then she was cute and pretty, no....

18. Was his voice the same as now?
∟ It's similar to his voice now, but back then it was a bit thinner and cheeky

19. Was he tall in middle school?
∟ Average

20. Did the teachers like him? I heard from his friend that they did, so
∟ Did that friend go to Anhwa Middle School? My information teacher said that he was good at joking using Korean that sounded like Chinese, and it's true that teachers liked him! I got into a math remedial class during the 1st year of middle school with Jangjun but he didn't even joke around ..

21. Was he popular with girls? ㅇ
∟ Oh, not hugely popular, as I rememberㅋㅋ

22. Did he sleep a lot in class???
∟ I don't know because I wasn't his classmate, but we were in the same math remedial class and he slept for a bit. I don't think was late often 

23. What's this, there was an iljin rumor about Jangjun pre-debut. The crazy people spread rumors
∟ An iljin rumor? To be frank, he got along with the popular kids. I remember him not doing anything bad. I was bullied a lot, so this is a touchy subject. Also, he played well with the ordinary kids too *nod nod* Some popular kids bullied me, but Lee Jangjun absolutely never did. I was an outcast for 2 years in middle school, so I'm sensitive about iljin. I don't remember him (being involved) in school bullying/violence or receiving disciplinary action in the school record. I don't think I've ever seen him being called

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