Monday, November 12, 2018


The Birth of Jaehyun: Successful Fan

A male idol who became a successful fan at Inkigayo today (including Golcha)

Golden Child's Bong Jaehyun who constantly showed that he was an EXO fan since his early debut days.

One of Jaehyunie's bucket lists is to go to an EXO concert.

He was quiet during other songs but when an EXO song was played, he was the friend who danced first.. He's at the level of promoting EXO songs..

At the Show Champion Curtail Talk, they were dancing to idol songs and as soon as the MC put on an EXO song, Jaehyun came running and danced to 'Monster'ㅋㅋ

A fan gave Jaehyun an Eri Bong [EXO's lightstick] at a fansign

EXO-L Bong Jaehyun whose bias constantly changes from D.O-Kai-Baekhyun ㅋㅋ

Recently, he picked Baekhyun as his role model.

On Friday's Music Bank, EXO won #1 and Jaehyunie gave a flower bouquet to Baekhyun (the circumstance was that Byun Baekhyun had received 2 bouquets)

At this day's fansign, Jaehyunie said that he was really happy to have given the bouquet..


At today's Inkigayo, Bong Jaehyun and Byun Baekhyun finally met...

They finally took pictures together.........-!Awesome

And so another successful fan was born...

+ This is a story spilled by the members on today's fansign
They exchanged greetings with EXO-sunbaenim and it was said that D.O-sunbaenim pointed at Jaehyun while saying, "The friend who likes Baekhyun?"
They said he greeted them really warmly..
Jaehyun's current phone wallpaper is the photo he took with Baekhyun-nim

He made a photo he took with his bias as his wallpaper....You did it, Bong Jaehyun!

So warm!!!!!


[+80 | -1] When did Baekhyun become an adult like this...ㅠㅠ

[+34 | -0] Jaehyun is now a successful fan too ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+28 | -0] What's up with their chemistry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ♡

[+22 | -0] The funniest thing is that that post was from Golcha's official account. EXO-L who couldn't even see Baekhyun in [EXO's] offical account saw him hereㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ SM, do your jobㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+18 | -0] Looks like junior singers like Baekhyun. Like, they would greet him and he would receive it warmly and while smilingㅡ...

[+13 | -1] Woollim Entertainment's successful fans list. Sunggyu, Jibeom, Jaehyun, TAG

(Woollim's successful fans list
Gyu - NELL (Same agency, received songs from them)
Jibeom - Roy Kim (Watched [Jibeom's] personal broadcast and talked on the phone, received an invitation to his concert)
Jaehyun - EXO (Always mentioning them and came back at the same time, finally took pictures)
Taek - WINNER (Received an album, they called his name on radio, a successful fan who was given jokbal)

[+12 | -0] Even when Baekhyun was a junior, it was really really amazing tooㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'm so overwhelmed because he's grown this much and become a role model to his junior singers

I'm happy because I got to see Baekhyun's photos in Golcha's official account when I couldn't even see his photo in EXO's official accountㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠ I hope these two would take pictures often and share them ^^

[+12 | -0] My friend who went to today's fansign told meㅋㅋㅋ I had doubtsㅋㅋKyungsoo knew him first???

[+11 | -0] Real EXO fan Jaehyun-goon who said he likes 'White Noise' off of EXO's 3rd album and talked about CBX's teaser that was released at this time

(10. Jaehyun
Jaehyun: Hello~
Fan: Long time no see, Jaehyun-goon~ I came [to the fansign] the last time Jaehyun-goon was the first person [to give a sign]!
JH: Ah, is that so?
F: Jaehyun-goon likes EXO, right~ Do you know a song called 'White Noise'?
JH: Of course~ I really like that song!!!!!
F: Oh, really??
I was about to say that my music taste overlaps with Jaehyun because I like EXO songs too, so it's good that our taste actually overlaps ㅠㅠ
F: Do you like EXO-CBX's song too??
JH: Of course~ EXO-CBX-sunbaenim are coming back on October 4th and Xiumin-sunbaenim's teaser was released today!
Bong ㅋㅋㅋㅋHe explained to me with such a bright lookㅋㅋㅋㅋSo cute.....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)

[+9 | -0] Golden..Child... Bong...Jae..Hyun... I'm going to remember himㅠㅠㅠ

[+8 | -0] Kyungsoo remembered himㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋHe said it first when they met?

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