Write down a legendary idol f*cking family tree
I write this post because there's no answer when I write down idols whose family tree is twisted in the comments on Pann (a previous post made about another group)
Woollim artists' family tree is a f*cking family tree, for real
By any chance, if reading my post is tiresome, please watch this video of the person who organized the family tree
Infinite (present)
1. During debut days
Sunggyu(89)>Dongwoo(90)=Woohyun(early 91)>Sungyeol(91)=L(early 92)>Sungjong(93)
2. Woohyun and Sungyeol acted as friends in the same drama and became friends after
Sunggyu(89)>Dongwoo(90)=Woohyun(early 91)=Sungyeol(91)=L(early 92)>Sungjong(93)
3. Dongwoo said "Let's just be friends," to Sungyeol
Sunggyu(89)>Dongwoo(90)=Woohyun(early 91)=Sungyeol(91)=L(early 92)>Sungjong(93)
4. Except for the oldest and the youngest, all the members became friends. It becomes a mess when they each bring a friend
Lovelyz (the best model)
1. Trainee days
BabSol(92)>Jiae(93)=Jisoo(early 94)>Mijoo(94)>Kei(95)>JIN(96)>Sujeong(97)>Yein(98)
2. Current
BabSol(92)>Jiae(93)>Jisoo(early 94)=Mijoo(94)>Kei(95)>JIN(96)>Sujeong(97)>Yein(98)
3. They're the most organized without any problem
Golden Child (screwed up past)
1. Trainee days (before Jaehyun & Seungmin joined)
Daeyeol(93)>Y(95)>Jangjun(97)>TAG(98)=Jibeom(early 99.2)>Donghyun(early 99.2)=Joochan(99)>Bomin(00)
(Golcha has 4 people who were born in 1999, but only Jibeom entered school a year early)
(Because of that, Donghyun(99.2) called Jibeom(99.2) 'hyung')
2. Jaehyun and Seungmin joined (the f*cking family tree starts)
Daeyeol(93)>Y(95)>Jangjun(97)>TAG(98)=Seungmin(98)>Jibeom(early 99.2)>Jaehyun(early 99.1)=Donghyun(early 99.2)=Joochan(99)>Bomin(00)
(Here, 99liner Jibeom became friends with 98liner TAG and a younger brother to 98liner Seungmin, but 98liners TAG and Seungmin are friends)
(While Jaehyun(99.1) calls Jibeom(99.2) 'hyung', he's friends with Seungmin(98))
(Jaehyun(99) is friends with TAG(98) at school (but) is TAG's dongsaeng in the company)
3. The hyungs are annoyed, so they said to just call according to their birth year
Daeyeol(93)>Y(95)>Jangjun(97)>TAG(98)=Seungmin(98)>Jaehyun(early 99.1)=Jibeom(early 99.2)=Donghyun(early 99.2)=Joochan(99)>Bomin(00)
4. After organizing according to their birth years, they debuted
(However, Jibeom is friends with a 98liner. He uploaded a selca with Kim Donghan the other day)
The current family tree of Woollim idols (anyone is friends with anybody)
I'll write the family tree after the organizing. If I write the one before the organizing, you'll have a headache
Sunggyu(89)>Dongwoo(90)=Woohyun(early 91)=Sungyeol(91)=L(early 92)=BabSol(92)=Daeyeol(early 93)=Jiae(93)=Sungjong(93)>Jisoo(early 94)=Mijoo(94)>Kei(95)=Y(95)>JIN(96)>Jangjun(97)=Sujeong(97)>TAG(98)=Yein(98)=Seungmin(98)>Jaehyun(99)=Jibeom(99)=Donghyun(99)=Joochan(99)>Bomin(00)
(I excluded the trainees who are currently appearing in Produce 48. They have to re-organize this family tree when they're debuting)
(Sungjong is friends with (93liners) up until Daeyeol, but starting from BabSol, everyone is hyung or noona)
(Daeyeol is friends with Jiae and BabSol but is a younger brother to L)
(Jiae is friends with Daeyeol but everyone from BabSol is unnie or oppa)
Try and come out if there's a family tree more complicated than these guys'
++++))) Dongwoo and Woohyun are originally friends
[+209 | -2] We are now seeing Sungyeol and Daeyeol being friends
∟ [+73 | -0] Lee Sungyeol's grabbing the back of his neck (out of stress)ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ [+59 | -0] I think Lee Sungyeol would be really furious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ [+48 | -0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThe brothers are friendsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+138 | -0] For Infinite, you just need to know the oldest hyung Kim Sunggyu and the youngest Lee Sungjong..The rest are almost like friends now
[+96 | -0] Their family tree is crazy. Wouldn't they themselves be confused too
[+74 | -0] It seems like I'll only need to know Woollim's general leader Sunggyu and maknae Bomin..
[+53 | -0] Sungyeol and Daeyeol as friendsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI'm a fan of another group who has interest in Woollim and this is freaking funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I like Sungyeol, so I paid attention to Golcha when it was said that his younger brother was debuting, but the f*cking family treeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I knew about Infinite's famous family tree but the whole company is like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+36 | -1] In conclusion, Woollim's General Leader is Kim Sunggyu
[+35 | -0] Everyone, just know this. Woollim's oldest is Kim Sunggyu, and Woollim's youngest is Choi Bomin.
[+24 | -0] For Golcha, TAG was also a year behind at school because of his Japan debut, and he went to school with the 99linersㅋㅋㅋㅋReally a f*cking family treeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+21 | -0] The 99liner who graduated (Jibeom) and the 98liner who didn't graduate (Youngtaek) are friends. The 99liner who didn't graduate (Jaehyun) and the 98liner who didn't graduate (Youngtaek) are school friends and they have a hyung-dongsaeng relationship in the company. The 99liner who didn't graduate (Jaehyun) was born earlier than the 99liner who graduated (Jibeom) but was asked to call him 'hyung' and to use formal languageㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What kind of f*king family tree is this? Golcha's past is really a messㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+20 | -0] The hyung who was born late and the dongsaeng who was born earlyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ