Tuesday, October 2, 2018

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Golcha with a Dark Concept?

I hope these guys will do a deep(?) concept

I think Golden Child's weapon is freshness but don't you think they'll suit deep(?) concept too

I freaking love uniforms & suits so I'm a person who go nuts for them. While browsing around, I saw Lee Jangjun. Really, he looks deep....Kinda has L's aura too!!!(Of course, things like selfies or the group's vibe are bright, but his face is like, it'll [make you] grab your heart when he dances in group...The other members too (actually, I don't know how I'll think about them..ㅠ) if they stand on stage with a deep(?) aura, I think they 100% will hit it big...They're still vibrant so they're still going with freshness, [but] it seems like it'll be nice if they go with a deep aura later on. Infinite also started out refreshing and I wondered if they would go with a deep concept later. Starting from 'BTD' or 'Be Mine'...

My biases are

These people...these people also do a lot of deep concepts...♡


[+19 | -0] Oh, I agree. They only do refreshing things, so I hope they'll come out with a little sexy or strong concept at least once

[+18 | -0] Infinite was a cheerful-dol during their debut days too. They used to sing a lot of cheerful and bright songs, but as they pile up experiences, they do a lot of dark concepts, and I think that's official with Woollim

[+10 | -0] Some Golcha members came out as Infinite's back dancers on year-end stages so I watched them with interest too. These members aren't cheerful and I think they're kids who suit sexy or deep aura. It was Infinite's 'Bad' year-end stage, and the make-up, outfit, choreography at that time all suit them, so there were a lot of talks among Inspirits who were really looking forward to them! I think it'll be good if they do a dark aura too.

[+6 | -0] I think they'll suit that

[+5 | -0] The delicateness during 'LADY' was nice too

[+3 | -0] Golcha fans, enjoy the cheerfulness☆ For us, even if we want to see our group doing a cheerful concept, we always have to wait..☆

[+3 | -0] But I think some of the members really don't suit that,.It'd be nice if the kids who suit strong image come out with a unit and do something with a dark concept

[+2 | -0] Watch 'LADY' stage,,❤️It's the best, the best. They still have a member who's a minor, so they can't do really deep [concept] and they did a delicate, sorrowful concept. You're going to cry a lotㅠㅠBecause it's so goodㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+1 | -0] They still have so many fresh vibe, so I think so too, they'll do [dark concept] later. If they come out just once [with a dark concept] while we're waiting..please wait for one that'll really hit OP's heart

[+1 | -0] A concept like 'Drought' is really good too.

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