Sunday, June 20, 2021


Namuwiki: Golden Child's Seungmin

(TIP: If you click on the [n] it will take you straight to the references section.)

Bae Seungmin (裵勝民)
October 13th, 1998 (22 years old)
Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju
58kg[1], Blood type A
Parents, Bae Seungho[2] (Younger brother)(2002), Bae Yerim (Younger sister)(2004)
Jinman Elementary School, Gwangju (Graduated)
Shinchang Middle School, Gwangju (Graduated)
Seongdeok High School, Gwangju (Graduated)
Baekseok Arts University (Practical Music Dept. / Current)
Woollim Entertainment
Golden Child
Lead vocalist
Squad no.
Listening to music, watching movies, shopping
Working out, copying ad-libs, soccer
Pocket Boy, Pocket Guy, Seungmini, Bbanana Fairy, Baeremo Bae-ssi (Beremo: beret; Mr. Beret Bae)[4], zJijonKillz (Jijon: the best)[5], Hedgehog[6], BaePpaShil[7], LiBAEro (Libero)[8]


  • He is usually quiet and calm but on the side, he's a potential comedian that can make people laugh.
  • Because of his gentle personality, he's often teased by his members, but every time that happens, his reactions are big. He's teased especially often by this member.
  • He is flexible with any member and is said to be a person who gets along well with all his members.#
  • He is often said to be a sensible member. He is a member who gives good advice while being emphatic.


  • He was in JYP's 12th open audition and was a finalist. He competed in the same team as current ONEUS' main vocalist, Seoho, in the final round.
  • He had the shortest training period among his members. He joined Woollim Entertainment through his academy audition in December 2016.# TAG revealed during a V LIVE on January 16th 2021 that when Seungmin joined Woollim, the debut line-up had already been arranged, so Seungmin was another trainee who was not in the line-up at that time. So TAG, who saw Seungmin suffering alone with anxiety of no guarantee of debuting pulled him aside and told him, "You don't know what life is going to be like," to comfort him, cheering Seungmin up. While [Seungmin] just kept practicing, something came up with one trainee that was in the debut line-up and he dropped out. Seungmin then replaced him and was able to debut in Golden Child. Thanks to that, they often talk about it whenever they're together.
  • Like his nickname Pocket Guy, he can fit inside a carrier.
  • He learned taekwondo and kendo and he has a black belt in kendo. He is the 3rd strongest member in sports after Y and Jangjun. He won against 1THE9's Yoo Yongha at the 2019 Chuseok ISAC.
  • He won the grand prize at a speech contest when he was young, which is probably why he has a resonant voice.
  • He drinks caffè mocha but he doesn't eat cake or other food that has mocha in it. He also enjoys drinking coffee.
  • He has always picked Crush as his favorite singer. He briefly sang to Crush songs during V LIVE, so fans said many times that they would like him to cover Crush's songs. He also uploaded a short cover video of Crush's 'fall' to Hi_Goldenness on November 21st, 2018.
  • He frequently loses bets with his members. He lost a bet for the snack against Kim Jibeom in badminton and he lost a bet against Kim Donghyun in KartRider. The common thing between those two instances is that Bae Seungmin himself was the one who made the bet.
  • His handprint is exhibited at the K-STAR Road at Gwangju's Chungjang-ro. He visited the exhibition during his break in March 2021.


[1] Source: 201217 SUPER JUNIORのアイドルVSアイドル 2화
[2] He revealed his name during the 181030 CASPER RADIO.
[4] Fans' response to him wearing a beret was explosive and he mentioned himself as 'Bae'ret on Hi_Goldenness.
[5] His KartRider nickname from when he was in elementary school. He still uses that account sometimes.
[6] "XX Hedgehog" is often used. BaeSeum Hedgehog, Strong Hedgehog, etc.
[7] Short for 'You have no clue when you fall for Bae Seungmin'
[8] A nickname that was made because he was in charge of the libero position in Breathe. He mentioned the nickname himself on Hi_Goldenness and CH.GOL-CHA3! Ep.18.

(Last updated: 210620)

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