Wednesday, November 27, 2019


TAG's Visual Stands out with His New Hair

A male idol who looks like he made the best decision by dyeing his hair ash gray.jpg

(more pics at the source)

Golden Child's TAG who had a guerrilla performance at Sinchon today

The response among fans to his ash gray hair is good


1. He looks like that Disney 3D movie character. I don't remember the name. He was the handsome one, though. Was it Frost?

2. I knew that TAG is handsome but he really suits this concept. It seems like he really suits fancy things

3. The piercing is lethal

4. Oh, it suits him!!

5. He's like a vampire.. Very fantasy-like...

6. Whoaaa, he's f*cking handsome

7. He really suits glamorous things

8. I wondered who he was. There's a lot of people who say that he's TAG when I read the comments. I'm not even a fan of Golcha but I like TAG's face

9. Youngtaek-ahㅠㅠㅠㅠ

10. Oh, it's obvious he's an idol. He's f*cking handsome

11. He's unrivaled even to that piercing... I went, "Heok!" as soon as I saw his forehead

12. He's f*cking handsome like a 2D character

13. It f*cking suits himㅋㅋㅋㅋ I originally know his face but his face suits this hair color way better than a normal hair color

14. I think Golcha's visual is himㅋㅋㅋ He looks handsome every time I see him

15. Whoa.... Golden Child? Whoa.... Whoa, seriously, whoa..

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