Sunday, April 11, 2021


Born-to-Be Singer Joochan

A vocal color like Golden Child's Joochan is something you're born with??

I was browsing Youtube and happened to hear him sing and I was shocked...I even think that he's the top when it comes to idol vocal colors...


1. It is something you're born with..
∟ You can't create vocal colorㅠㅠㅠ Thanks for liking Joochan's vocal color🎳❤

2. It's something you're born with... He's really the Vocal Color Genius...
∟ Doesn't his voice kinda sound like a string instrument...?
∟ (OP) Should I say that it has the sharp yet soft vibe...?? His vocal color is so pretty

3. Of course,, You can't imitate his voiceㅠ

4. I'm for real a fan of another group but I really like his voiceㅠ
∟ It's bewitching and it sticks in my ear

5. You have to be born with it. I also listened to his voice and it just embedded into my ear...

6. You're born with it.. Our Vocal Treasure.. It's his most expensive instrument💗

7. Seriously, Joochan's vocal color is the best,,, It's sharp, as if it pierces into you like an arrow, yet it's husky, so it gives off a cozy feeling at the same time
∟ (OP) You're so right...Does he perhaps have a solo song or musical??
∟ His solo song is A Song For You! His musical is Sonata of a Flame and he's doing one called The Secret Contract right now, but it's more of a sitcom than a musical!!
∟ (OP) Thanks!! So he's doing a musical...Should I buy a ticket

8. I think all vocal color is something a person is born with! Thanks for liking Joochan's vocal color❤️ The stage that Joochan is doing isn't a musical. Should I say it's a sitcom? If you go in thinking of the typical musical, you might be taken aback a lot.. Joochan has a lot of song covers. He has song covers in the content released by his company too and he has about 7 of it. If not, he sings a lot so he has a lot of covers ! Personally, I like 'Wind', 'End of a Day', 'The Road to Me' and '부끄럼' ! They'll come up if you search on Youtube! I recommend giving those a listen☺️

9. Joochan might have over 300 song covers ㅠㅠ He loves singing, so he sings for an hour every time he goes on V Live

I don't think I'll need Golcha Joochan-nim's song cover recommendations

If I just search for "Joochan cover" on Youtube, his covers on V Lives will come up no matter the date.. I think it's my first time seeing an idol with this many song covers that aren't uploaded to their official account. Of course, I like Joochan-nim's vocal color, so it's a win for meㅎㅅㅎ


1. Our baby has sung for 2 hours...
∟ (OP) 2 hours..? But his song cover videos are indeed long..
∟ Our baby turned on the karaoke machine for 2 hoursㅜHe has sung for 2 hours and occasionally does radio. There's also Hidden Track. He has also sung for 1.5 hours

2. How about joining the fandom?
∟ Our Great Singer Cat and Friends are very cute and doing well

∟ (OP) He's cute..Actually, his face is my type tooㅠㅠㅠ
∟ Our baby also dances strongly,,

∟ (OP) Excuse me, I still have no time to watch his dancing videos. I haven't even listened to all his covers...

3. Our Dduddyani sings almost every time he's on V Live...
∟ Our FoxKitty is really the bestㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
∟ (OP) Seems like he really loves singing. Please sing forever, because I'll be listening
∟ Right, rightㅠㅠ Our baby loves singingㅠㅠㅠ You can see in his eyes how happy he is every time he singsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. I also recommend searching for Joochan + song title on Twitter🥰 Our Joochan is really the bestㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
∟ Check out his singing on this week's NOW Ssengsuda and Midnight Workroom❤️
∟ (OP) Actually, I still haven't listened to all his covers... There are so many things to listen to....

5. He sings a lot and he creates a legendary singing every time he's on the radio ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ His voice is just heavenly ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please listen to his singing a lot from now on❤️
∟ (OP) Right, his voice is so good. It's the best

6. Honestly, at first I was worried that he was singing too much, but now I'm not worried. You can see in his eyes how much he enjoys it, so it makes me really happy. Please give a lot of interest towards Joochanie❤️

7. Joochan sings a lot of songs with his voice so I'm very grateful and happy as a fan❤
∟ (OP) Everyone is putting heartsㅜThe comments are beautiful❤️
∟ Ahㅋㅋㅋㅋ Everyone is putting hearts?! But we're writing the comments while thinking of Joochan, so I guess everyone just naturally adds hearts!! I honestly like Joochan's singing, and we fans are happy that his side that enjoys doing music is wholly conveyed to usㅠㅠ He's someone who's musically greedy and he's doing well now but he tries to do even better. He keeps doing that so we can see that he's growingㅠㅜ Wait, the comment's getting longㅎㅎ Just, thank you, OP❤❤

8. Joochan is the type to mostly sing what fans ask him to sing whether his own condition is good or not. Even when he makes a mistake, he's like, "I made a mistake. I have to sing it again." He's someone who singing with this kind of mindsetㅠㅠㅠㅠ He likes singing and he was just born to be a singer ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
∟ (OP) Oh..He's someone with a cool mindset. But really, I can see how happy he is when he sings. He doesn't go, "Agh!!" when he makes a mistake

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