Saturday, October 3, 2020


Fans Reminisce Jibeom's Red Hair

Is there any Golden Child fan...

Jibeom's red hair in their recent promo cycle, that was his first time, right??? It suits him so well...


1. WANNABE and ONE, two times
∟ He did dye it to a darker shade in the middle of the WANNABE promo
∟ (OP) I have to see WANNABE too!!!!!! Thanks!!!

2. No, no!!! WANNABE and ONE!!

∟ (OP) Whoa.......
∟ But the blond hair he has now is great too...

3. WANNABE last year was his first time!
∟ I like Compass...

∟ His ONE red hair is too much too, right?

∟ (OP) That's too much..


∟ (OP) Eh? Did he wear red contact lenses here..? That's too much.. Or not? Is it because of the editing?
∟ He wore contacts! Fans were asking if he could wear contact lenses once so he wore red contacts...The birth of Jibeom with red hair and red eyes
∟ (OP) ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠThat's too much

5. WANNABE, when he fell asleep at the salon and woke up with red hair
∟ (OP) Ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But it suits him so well
∟ Right, right. Jibeom's red hair is the best..!!

6. Kim Jibeom with red hair and red eyes is the best, the best, the best
∟ Ah, With Me Jibeom is also legendary


∟ A gif where you can clearly see how big Jibam's eyes are


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