Tuesday, October 20, 2020

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Jangjun Graces the Cover of Men's Health; Creates a Commotion

Men's Health November issue cover model, Golden Child's Jangjun


1. His body is really thick but when he puts a shirt on it doesn't look thick. That's fascinating
∟ I also feel that it's so amazing as soon as I saw the photos... It's thick when he takes his shirt off but it doesn't really look thick when he has his shirt on

2. Heol, why does this guy have such a good body...? He used to be a funny guy to me but I felt a sense of separation all of a suddenㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. Heol, I thought he was just a comedian but he's a muscular guy too *shivers*

4. Heol, I have good feelings for Jang Star and his body too *shivers*

5. Whoa, awesomeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI was f*cking surprised

6. He's the member who talks a lot, right? Wow, his body is nice

7. Heol, Jang Star, what's going on

8. F*cking cool

9. He's handsome

10. It's so funny how Jangjun takes pride in the skinny legs of idols and doesn't do lower body workout but only does upper body workoutㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠ
∟ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAh, really? He's such a funny guyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋJangjun-ssiㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. Ah, this guy.... He was the funny guy in RTK but this is a twistㅎㅎㅎ

12. He had on idol-like makeup ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ A mismatch between his body and face

13. I didn't think that Jangjun-ssi would have such a nice body but he's really a Reversal Guy

14. Oh mama

15. Heol, I thought Jang Star was just a comedian. Crazy

16. His body is not a Child. Wow

17. Heol, I thought Jangjun was just a funny guy but his body is nice too

18. I'm buying that magazine for the first time .. !!

19. Didn't he get banned from working out by his agency because he ripped his outfit? Anyone who reported him working out would get cash ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

20. When he has a shirt on, his body just looks slim? But when he takes his shirt off it's a total reversal! My eyes are feasting ㅋㅋ

21. When I heard that Jangjun's body fat ratio was only 5% I was like, "Is that even possible?" but I acknowledge it now that I've seen his body...

22. Match the color of his face to his neckㅠㅠ

23. He's f*cking handsome with a suit on ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

24. Crazy. Whoa, he totally looks like he has a slim body type but what's going on...

25. HeolㅋㅋThat's unexpected

26. Whoa, his lats muscle, whoa

27. He's like the strong muscles of Golcha. His body looks really strong

The star of the cover of <Men's Health> Korea's November issue!

It's none other than Lee Jangjunㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


1. Jangjun-aaaagh!!!@@@

2. I'm stealing him
∟ Get out

3. Aaagh Lee Jangjunㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. What? Is he the Jang Star that I know?
∟ Yes, he's the Jang Star that you know!!


(Hands over mouth 1, 2)

6. Eh, I didn't know that I like a body like that.....Wow....

7. Heol, Jang Star...?? Awesome..........

8. Lee Jangjun, I passed out for real...

9. Lee Jangjun, seriouslyㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜ

10. Whoa... His body is like that but how come his face is so slenderㅠㅠ That's amazing

11. Lee Jangjun, I'm seriously breaking my head,,,

12. This is a swear that comes out because I like this

(Crazy b*stard)

13. When was his workout ban lifted?

14. Look at Lee Jangjun's pretty face...


Accuser: Goldenness
Accused: Lee Jangjun
Purpose: I'm so tired when he's cold (handsome) and warm (funny) that I'm dying)

16. I'm really suing him

17. Jang Star..?????? I watch him on Youtube sometimes. That's not Jang Star
∟ Our Jyuni>_<

18. Lee Jangjun is crazy....

Goldies, Jangjun for Men's Health!!

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<November Issue> 너무 오래 기다리셨죠? <맨즈헬스>코리아 11월호의 커버의 주인공은 장스타, 골든차일드 '이장준'입니다. 최근 음악과 예능을 넘나들며 차세대 예능돌로 떠오르고 있는 골든차일드 이장준. 팬들 사이에선 촬영 대기 중이나 숙소에서 틈날 때마다 운동하는 '운동돌'로 유명한데요. 그동안 볼 수 없었던, 남성미 가득한 골든차일드 이장준의 매력이 궁금하시다면 <맨즈헬스> 11월호를 기대해주세요. 오는 21일에 커버 스토리 메이킹 영상, 그리고 23일에 <맨즈헬스> 코리아 11월호가 전국 오프라인과 온라인 서점을 통해 공개됩니다. #menshealthkorea #맨즈헬스코리아 #menshealth #fitness #맨즈헬스11월호 #골든타일드이장준 #골든차일드 #goldenchild #이장준 #온라인서점판매중 #인터파크 #알라딘 #교보문고 #핏가이 #핏걸

A post shared by 맨즈헬스 한국판 (@menshealth__korea) on

This is really awesome


1. No, is he crazy? Wait

2. CrazyㅠㅠㅠJangjun-ahㅠㅠㅠ

3. Hold on. This is crazy

4. Heol, what the? I was passing by and got shocked. This person is that one from RTK???
∟ Yes, he's the funny RTK guy, the guy with the LED banner on his phone in RTK...!!!
∟ How old is he... He's an oppa, right...? Please be an oppa...
∟ He's a 97liner..!!!!
∟ Sigh, that was close, Jangjun-ssi.. I love you, Jangjun-oppa.. I watched Jangjun on Dingo too on Youtube and I'm getting promotions about him like this
∟ If he's handsome, he's an oppa!! Jang Star!! If you say you want to get promotions about Golcha's Jangjun-ssi in our board, Ness will come and throw you pictures and gifs. Wanna get more promos from Ness?
∟ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Actually these days... Bomin-ssi and Jangjun-ssi are kind of permeating into my heart...
∟ Write a post in our board right now!! Goldies are always waiting!! The promotion workers are on the move🏃‍♀️

5. Jyun-aaaagh!!! I passed out

6. Ah, seriously, Lee Jangjun, aren't you too coolㅠㅠㅜㅠㅜㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜ

7. I heard there will also be a making video!!

Golcha's Jangjun for Men's Health (warning: skin)


1. Wow

2. Damn, crazy

3. Jang Star has a nice body? That's unexpectedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ He worked hard for it for some time but he ripped his stage outfit and his agency told him to do it moderately ㅋㅋㅋ Recently, I think he deliberately works to make it until that point

4. Whoa, is this really the Jang Star that I know????

5. He worked out so much during the hiatus that he was banned from working out ㅗㅜㅘ

6. Whoa..! His body is good. His face is lovely but his body is nice, so it kind of feels like a twist but they suit him!

7. Heol??!!!!!!! I knew that he had a good body but I didn't know that he'd shoot something like this!!!!

Golden Child's Lee Jangjun, on the cover of Men's Health magazine ‘Reversal abs’


1. What, what the? How can such a cute person like that have those abs......

2. He's an idol that I have good feelings for so I look him up once in a while. His good at rapping, singing, doing variety shows, even his mentality is good. He has everythingㅋㅋㅋ

3. Is he living by himself in this worldㅠㅠ (t/n: because he takes everything from handsome, cute, etc.)

4. I like him

5. Heol, is this real?

6. Someone said this but when he has his clothes on he looks very slim but when he actually takes his shirt off? his body is a total reversal! He has everythingㅋㅋ

7. It's hard to have that kind of body while living as an idol so it's really incredible that he's consistent with it

8. He's always carefree on shows or Youtube but he looks cool having a pictorial in that angle and he's f*cking handsomeㅠㅠ

9. His lats muscle is crazy

10. He's that guy, right? The guy who's really bubbly in a different way than what he looks likeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His words are also really funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. His face looks innocent but his body doesn't

12. Ooh Jang Star ooh

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