Wednesday, October 21, 2020

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Which Member Made You Become Aware of Golden Child?

Ness, I'm suddenly curious

Rather than the member who got you into the fandom, who's the member that made you know Golcha??
Or which Golcha member's name did you know first?
For me, it's Jangjun...I was watching Weekly Idol during their debut days and I saw him dancing the fingers dance? was that it? and I laughed so I looked up his name...but I didn't become a fan until some time after thatπŸ˜‚


1. Daeljji's 'Tell Me Why' MV....
∟ But that was before Golcha...
∟ (OP) Ah, he was in that MV? I've only ever listened to the song but never seen the MV so I didn't know
∟ Should I say that that MV was Daeljji's first activity? Anyway, I knew him first from the 'Tell Me Why' MV

2. Lee Jangjun for me too γ…‹γ…‹ The funny guy, the handsome but weird guy
∟ (OP) You're a person who wants to know Lee Jangjun because he's really funnyγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

3. Because Daeljji's brother is famous..?
∟ Like Ness1, I knew him before Golcha too.. And if not Daeljji, then Jooha through A-Teen
∟ (OP) Oho, I knew that Daeljji was his brother but I didn't know that he was a trainee..

4. Bomin! I knew him from A-Teen

5. I only knew Daeljji before I became a Golcha fan
∟ (OP) There are more people who only knew Daeljji than I thought

6. Y!! My friend showed him to me during 'Damdadi' era

7. Pre-Golcha, Sungyoon and Daeyeol! And when Sungyoon stood as a back dancer, I was like, "Ah... I definitely have to become his fan when he debuts"γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œ
∟ (OP) That's amazing that you knew them from pre-debut...

8. Daeljji and Sunyoon! When Choi Sungyoon was a back dancer, I was sure that I would dedicate my bank account to him
∟ (OP) There's quite a lot of Ness who knew Golcha because of Sungyoon? Ooh

9. Bomin!!

10. I happened to watch a Golcha stage and saw Donghyun and I was like, "Ah, that child(?) must be the maknae," so I looked him up and turned out that Bomin was the maknae so it was memorable to meγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹Also, I saw Hermit Crab Jangjun before I became a fan...
∟ (OP) I also didn't think that Bomin would be the maknae..γ…Žγ…Ž

11. Joochan's 'No One Like You' !
∟ I happened to listen to the song and I remember going, "What is this crazy vocal color?"
∟ So I looked up W Project and watched WoollimPICK. I'd been fangirling by myself for a year before I joined Instiz
∟ (OP) Joochan's vocal color is indeed really nice..I fell for it too when I listened to it..

12. When Daeljji and Sungyoon were trainees! And I was so determined to join the fandom after seeing Jangjun's SOPA pic
∟ (OP) The SOPA it the squid graduation photo..??

13. If not Bomin's MMTG appearance then I think it was at a year-end award ceremony? He was wearing a suit and he was so handsome that I was like, "Whoa, that friend is handsome..." γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹
∟ (OP) You cannot not fall for Bomin after seeing himγ… γ… 

13. Sungyoon? I heard him singing and his vocal color was so my style so I looked up who he was

14. I don't really remember who was the first but I think I've heard of Bomin....

15. Daeyeol! I have an Inspirit friend so I knew that he was on his senior group's variety show and I heard that he got into Woollim so I was like, "Ooh, brothers in the same company~" and, yeah.. I joined the fandomγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

16. Joochan for me~ I knew him because I read an article about 'A Song For Me' and I listened to it a few times then I forgot about it. Then I got into Golcha during 'WANNABE'

17. Daeyeol-jji for the first time... I first got to know Daeljji when was on his senior group's variety show and I naturally got to know Golcha during their Woollim Boys days

18. (OP) There's a lot of Daeyeol, Sungyoon, Bomin answers. I expected Daeyeol and Bomin but Sungyoon was surprising...

19. I got to know them in this order: Daeyeol > Sungyoon > Bomin > Youngtaek > Jangjun

20. I learned about Golcha because of Daeyeol-jji's brother, and then that ISAC guy was handsome on Jang Star and I heard that he was being talked about cause he was crazy so I came to know his name. But the funny thing is, the very first face of a Golcha member that I saw was Bomin's on Soomi's Side Dishesγ…‹γ„²γ…‹γ…‹
∟ I saw Daeljji and Jangjun's faces after I joined the fandom because of Bominγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

21. Daeyeol...He was in the drama that I was watching when he was a trainee! But I thought the guy next to him was a rookie actor..(Turns out it was Choi Sungyoon
∟ (OP) Daeljji was in a drama...?
∟ My Lovely Girl! That MHDR..Sana, JunJun...He was in it with Sungyoon..

22. Youngtaek was the first one I knew ofγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹
∟ (OP) Whoa, that's the first time someone mentions Youngtaek so farγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹
∟ Ah, but, I knew him because someone promoted him to meγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹!!! I regret not immediately becoming a fan after thatγ…œγ…œγ… γ…œγ…œγ… 
∟ (OP) Me too..I should've joined the fandom when I came to know of them..γ… γ… 

23. Me too, while only knowing Daeljji, I was like, "Oh~~~" when I saw them sweeping the gold medals on ISAC and I joined the fandom because of 'Relay'γ…Ž

24. Daeyeol was the first that I knew of, then Jaehyun, then Youngtaek! But I joined the fandom because of Jaehyun! He took a picture while sitting and leaning against the wall and I immediately became a fanγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ I was hit by reality when I heard how old he was but now he's just so cuteγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…  I watched WoollimPICK as soon as I became a fan through Jaehyun and I got into Golcha immediately..

25. I got to know of them because of Daeljji but I became interested when Joochan released 'No One Like You'!!!

26. Bomin in 00z.... I really knew him late.. Moreover, I watched Jang Star a few times before becoming a fan but I didn't realize that he was from Golden Child. When I heard Bomin talking about 00z and Golden Child~ I didn't even realize that that was the same as Jangjun's group. I knew them really late γ…œγ……γ…œ I wished I had known them sooner..Moreover, I wasn't a fan during 'Without You' but I just kept listening to that song!!

27. Daeljji, because I've been a fan since his trainee days γ…Žγ…Ž I knew about Sungyoon, Daeyeol, and Jangjun!! Moreover, I have seen Sungyoon when he was a trainee (I'm not a sasaeng)

28. Jibeom..I joined the fandom because of King of Masked Singer..
∟ Me tooγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ I became a fan because of Full Moon Princeγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

29. I knew Daeljji when he was a trainee and I knew Sungyoon when he was in MHDR and in addition, I knew Youngtaek and Jangjun when they were the back dancers in 2015. When there was official..!!! news about a hidden trainee who passed the audition or sightings of them at the company building, when Golcha's debuting members were revealed, there were only 2 people whose names I didn't know. I'm an oldie Ness who respectfully held on until Golcha's debut and couldn't push for it since around 2013-2014...

30. Bomin, God-sic Bank MC

31. Jangjun is the very first name that I knew γ…‹γ…‹ I recognized him as the existence of the orange lump on Weekly Idol γ…‹γ…‹ What made me connect him to Golcha was when I saw Youngtaek on a 'Hold On Me' stage and was like, "Whoa, he's handsome," and I looked him up γ…‹γ…‹

32. Jangjun's Jang Star..... I watched that and immediately became a fan

33. Daeljji is the first one that I knew!! Because I heard his brother telling a story of his brother being a traineeγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ But what made me become a fan was after I listened to Joochan's JooBitBamγ… γ…  I wondered, "How is he so serious about his stories?" and I joined the fandom because of Hong Kind...

34. Sungyoon for me! During 'It's U', my friend told me to listen to the song and I really liked 'LADY' so I just listened to that song and I looked him up because his vocal color was so my style and I got to know his name!

35. Bomin for me... The 'Now, We' MV...

36. I knew of Golcha's existence from WoollimPICK days but Jaehyun made me recognize the members properly! I happened to see the 'Let Me' MV and he was so handsome so I got to know him, although I didn't join the fandom until some time after that, but anyway!

37. Daeyeol.. And during their debut days, my friend told me about a cute friend in the group, which was Bomin, and that's how I got to know his name only.. Sungyoon too!!

38. I watched Daeljji's brother's group's Sesame Player live and saw him when they visited his house and I was like, "Oh, he's handsome," and he's become my man
∟ "My man"..?

39. Daeljji! Also, he appeared briefly with Sungyoon in a drama and performed with his senior group so I felt a sense of closeness even before WoollimPICK

40. If only by members, it's Joochan for me. Even before I joined the fandom I liked all Woollim songs so I listened to their title tracks even when I didn't know the members. Their hiatus was so long so one day I was like, "Why aren't they coming back?" and I looked it up and it was because Joocya was injuredγ… 

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