Saturday, July 11, 2020

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Donghyun Lives up to His 2017 Nickname

What's this person's name from Golcha...

I'm secretly watching Golcha videos at work

I think I'm struck by a dancing line that is a contrast to his gentle face

What is this person's name..?

The one in the middle!!!


1. Donghyun
∟ (OP) Thanks!!!!! Is he originally a dance member??
∟ He's the main dancer !!
∟ (OP) Wow....From his face to his dancing line, he's seriously my type....He's got it all..... Thank you... I've gained strength since the morning


∟ (OP) ????????? What am I seeing? Is that Donghyun??????????? He looks cool with his bangs up
∟ They also printed that scene on a t-shirt and wore it. Aren't they so cute...🥺

∟ (OP) WhoaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThis is really adorable... Are they all his fans as a group... Cuteㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. Donghyunie!
∟ (OP) Thanks!!!!! Is he a dance member??
∟ Yes. The friend who turned the world upside down

∟ (OP) Whoa, he's exploding with freshness..... The friend who turned the world upside down........ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ Our vocal genius main dancer❤️

∟ Cute, right?

∟ (OP) AhㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋHe's so cute....Cute....Cute....Sigh.... He's the main dancer but his vocal is also good?????? Oh my
∟ Our Dongdongie had been a trainee since he was little, and at that time, it was said that he was called a "Vocal Genius" and "Prodigy". Then he went through puberty and changed position as the main dancer!! However, his vocal is really nice too

∟ (OP) Heolㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'll look up videos of him singing too!!!!!!!!

3. Dong..
∟ (OP) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋDong.....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThank you
∟ Please view our Dongdongie cutely❤️

∟ (OP) He's really like a baby...... Soft and fluffy
∟ We're having an additional recruitment for the 2nd gen...❤️🎳 Come quickly❤️🎳

∟ (OP) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThank you for the good info... I'm going to find out about it...☆

4. D........
∟ (OP) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI know who it is....

∟ (OP) So...lovely... He's like loveliness personified...



∟ (OP) NoㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋGolcha fans.... It's as if you've been waiting for this kind of post to be uploaded...^ㅁ^....
∟ Ness are always sincere about promoting.....ㅎㅎ

Is there any fan of Golcha

I wrote a post like this yesterday asking who the member on the very right, bottom row is but there was no reply so I deleted it... So please tell me who he isㅠㅠ


1. Donghyunie
∟ (OP) I finally know. What video is that outfit from?

∟ (OP) His face is so small

2. Donghyuning

3. Dongdong!!


∟ (OP) Oh, he's cuter than I thought
∟ Our Dongdong is cute

∟ It's not that he has a lot of aegyo, it's just that he himself is cute as a person

∟ (OP) How old is he? Please, please be an oppa. I don't think so, though
∟ He's a 99liner!!

∟ (OP) If he's handsome, then he's an oppa
∟ Right, right. If he's originally handsome, then he's an oppa

∟ (OP) But he's an oppa to me in real life *sticks out tongue*
∟ Ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What the

∟ (OP) Oh, he's tall. His face is small, though
∟ Our Dongdong is not on the tall side

∟ I don't know for sure, but he should be around 173~176 cm

∟ However, his proportions are just out of this world...

∟ (OP) If it's up to that point then he's tall. He's tall to me. Also, his legs are long, so that's the best
∟ Our Ddongkkariㅠㅠㅠㅠ

∟ (OP) Oh my, this is the best
∟ Hihi, our Ddongkkari is the best, right

∟ (OP) But his face is really small. It's almost like a tangerine
∟ Tangerineㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

∟ (OP) He's adorable with a bowl cut. Is he on the maknae side in the group?
∟ Yes, yes!! We have 4 people who are 99liners and until the maknae, the dongsaeng-line has 5 people and Donghyun is the 3rd among the 99liners!!

∟ Hihi he's the cutest, right

∟ (OP) The back of his head suits the word "round" so much
∟ Ahㅋㅋㅋ Even the back of his head is round. Our pretty Dongdongㅎㅎ I thought you'd like his eye smile, so here it is!!ㅎ

∟ (OP) Ah, I love it so much. There's nothing to not like about it. It's cute on his face
∟ Dongdong who eats the cake fed by his hyung-ah

∟ (OP) His name and his face are all round (donggeul donggeul)ㅠ

4. You turn my world upside down

∟ I can't believe we didn't leave a reply. We'll try harder

∟ (OP) Please do. I was sad. I'm kidding
∟ We'll try to become the best promotion king

∟ (OP) Ah, he's so cute
∟ Ah, the additional recruitment for Goldenness 2nd gen is on-going

∟ (OP) I'm thinking about it. I still don't know about the other 9, so
∟ If you want, I can promote them to you right now
∟ (OP) I like people who are kind to everyone and is sentimental, but there's usually none like that. If there's none, I'll just like Donghyun. I'll slowly get to know him
∟ You found our Big Oppa, right...🙄

∟ (OP) What's Big Oppa like?
∟ Our Big Oppa's kindness is something you can know based on experience... If I had to talk about one, he'd always greet the kids "Oh, you're back~~?" when they enter the dorm and the day where he didn't greet was when he was sulking because the kids pretended to forget about his birthday... He's a person who says, "I love you~~" when he's ending a video call with the kids....

5. Will you.. look at this..?

(A sugar candy raised for a day / A sugar candy raised for 6 days)
∟ (OP) Craㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋzyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ (OP) Ah, he's really so adorable
∟ Kim Donghyun is so cute

∟ Ah, right, our Donghyun is the 🤸‍♂️ma🤸‍♂️in🤸‍♂️dan🤸‍♂️cer🤸‍♂️
∟ (OP) The emojisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI can't believe he's the main dancer. That's a reversal charm. I actually thought he was a rapper
∟ Our Dongdong got into the company with his vocal and received a "Prodigy" title in his evaluation, but he went through puberty and worked harder in dancing, and... became the main dancer

6. The guy who turns the world upside down, Kim Dongdong

∟ (OP) Why turns the world upside down? With his face? Because he's handsome? I agree
∟ It's Dongdong's part in the new song 'One (Lucid Dream)'! You turn my world upside down
∟ (OP) I think he can also turn the world upside down with his face. Anyway, thank you

7. Our ant🐜Dongdongie
∟ (OP) Why an ant?
∟ Because he's diligent!!!
∟ (OP) Ah, that's uniqueㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. When Donghyun is alone, he's 180 cm😉

9. Jangjun coos over Dongdongie so much. He calls him "Son~~~~~" like thatㅋㄹㅋㄹㅋCute babies

10. An ISFJ in the middle of 2 ENFPs

No, I'm a fan of another group but Golcha looks crazy today

What is it...? They're really crazy. My heart is beating so fast. Especially when they jump during the dance break, I really got goosebumps
With that in mind, can I know who's the center of the final dance break...


1. Sungyoonie?
∟ It's this person, right?

∟ (OP) Oh, not this person!!! The person doing the pulling both sides choreo(?)!!!
∟ Donghyunie!!!
∟ (OP) That's right!!!

2. Donghyunie?
∟ (OP) It was Donghyun!!!

∟ (OP) Sigh, I love that.......
∟ The "You turn my world upside down" gif I just saved

∟ (OP) Ah, rightㅠㅜㅜㅜIt was like thisㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜI love it so much

3. Sungyoonie!!

∟ Ah, it was Dongdong!!!! Sorry, Dongdongie

∟ (OP) Right, it was Donghyun!!!
∟ Will you enter the fandom with our Dongdongieㅎㅎ?

∟ (OP) I like that.... I'll ask of Anon 3 secretly... Can you give me some gifs of the dangerous person above...?
∟ Ah, then!!!!!

∟ (OP) Ah, is he crazy? I know this gif. I saw it a few times in the forum. Ah, he's so handsome

4. Let's enter the fandom. Is the final dance break Donghyun?
∟ (OP) It was Donghyun!!
∟ Our main dancer!!!
∟ (OP) Heol, he's the main dancer???????
∟ But he got into the company with his singing~!~!
∟ (OP) Eh? Heol, really?? ... Why is he good at everything...ㅠ
∟ You're about to become a fan
∟ (OP) Ah, am I really... No, I'm a fan of another group, but I don't actually have a bias group...... Because the members are all causing problems......^_ㅜ
∟ Our Golcha is so cute... Oh my, you're just in time. They're holding an additional recruitment period for the 2nd gen fanclub on V App?

∟ (OP) Sigh.. I can just go into V App for the 2nd gen...?ㅜㅠㅠ I'm a grandma so I don't know..ㅠㅠ
∟ Yes, it's on the V App Store hihi

(OP) Thank you!!!!!!!!

5. Sungyoonie? Donghyunie?
∟ Dongdong!

∟ (OP) That's right!!! Is this the MV?? He's so handsome

6. The one with the white shirt at the end is Donghyunie
∟ (OP) It was Donghyun!!

7. If he's controlling them with his arms, then it's Donghyun

∟ (OP) Ah, correct!!!!!!!! It's this one!!!!!!
∟ Our main dancer is so cute

∟ (OP) What the. He's so, so cute
∟ But he has no aegyo

∟ (OP) Even if he doesn't... his face is like an aegyo. Hooㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
∟ Correct. Are you becoming a Goldenness?

∟ (OP) I guess I amㅠWhat do I do.....
∟ (OP) I'm already checking out Goldenness 2nd gen on V App......

7. Kim Donghyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

∟ (OP) Right, right, it's this person!!!!

8. Our Ddongkkalㅠㅠㅠㅠ

∟ (OP) What's Ddongkkalㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋ???
∟ Donghyun is cool (kkarihada), so he's Ddongkkari!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. Please look at Kim Donghyun's "You turn my world upside down" from todayㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

∟ (OP) Sigh, that's right, I love thisㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜThank you, babiesㅜㅜㅜ
∟ Please show a lot of interest toward Dongdongie and Golcha🎳❤️🎳

∟ (OP) Okay, okay ㅠㅜㅜㅜㅠㅜThank you. Their fans are very good at unitingㅋㅌㅋㅋ

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