Sunday, May 24, 2020


Daeyeol's Crazy Good Looks and Proportion

Does Golcha's Daeyeol actually look like this in real life?

(What. Lee Daeyeol is F*CKING handsome)

Oh, his proportion is crazy

1. It's true
∟ He's really long

2. Oh, what the, that's awesome

3. My oppa is really awesomeㅠㅠㅠㅠ
∟ From the same day

4. Yeah, he's tall so his proportion is nice

5. His shoulders are so broad. The first time I saw him in real life, I thought it was really crazy
∟ His proportion is nice and he also has broad shouldersㅠㅠ Even my younger sibling who's a fan of another group acknowledged thatㅠ

6. No, he's even more handsome...-The Ness who was there...

7. What the, Lee Daeyeol looks like mine

8. He's way more handsome than thatㅇㅇ I saw him right in front of me and he was so handsome that I said, "Lee Daeyeol looks more oppa* than me" and Daeyeol heard everything so I just said, "Lee Daeyeol handsome, whoa, Lee Daeyeol is no joke"ㅋㅋㅋ
(*t/n: more oppa means he looks older like a handsome oppa. The OP is probably older than Daeyeol, hence "more oppa/older than me")

9. Those brothers are really the truth in real life.....Those who see him only through the screen can't know his face....
∟ I agree, I agree. They're legendary in real life

10. Heol, wait a second. What the, my heart flutters
∟ Is he Golcha's Daeyeol?
∟ Yes yes, he's Daeyeolie🎳❤

11. Oh~ㅋㅋ He's really handsome~ ㅋㅋ

12. Was it when he was a trainee or still a commoner, I saw him at the chicken restaurant. He was handsome and his proportion was nice...

13. Daeyeol is so handsome

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