What kind of agency makes a content [for one group] for the other labelmates to use together?
I'm still so angry that I cannot not write a post...
Woollim, seriously, why are you like that?
There's a member named Donghyun in Golcha. Because his name is Kim Donghyun, his nickname is Dongdong and he himself and his agency also know that his nickname is Dongdongie.
He likes the Kart game, so he came out with his own content called 'DongDong Game Center'. It's his own content with his own name on it.
But for some reason, I'm doubting that it's a Golcha content but rather a Woollim content. Moreover, it's not uploaded on Woollim's Youtube channel but in each group's channel, so the Golcha channel only has episodes 1 and 3. The rest of the episodes, episode 2 and 4, are uploaded in separate Lovelyz and Rocket Punch's Youtube channels.
I don't know whether Donghyun personally said that this is a content that he wants to do, but it's a content called DongDong Game Center, Donghyun's name is on it, but it's become a content where the agency is using it together, so it can't be helped that fans are feeling weird about it.
Moreover, he also does DongDong Game Center lives on V App, so there's no way that the agency doesn't know that Donghyun has been doing this content.
And the recently uploaded episode 3 on Golcha's channel was shot around April when the two of them had bleached hair (around April 27th)
It's also been awhile since the other groups shot their videos, but [Woollim] didn't feel that it was weird to use Dong Dong Game Center together and they kept filming for several months..(If they actually felt it, it wouldn't have gone on until the 4th episode like this..)
But they end it by putting "with Group" and Donghyun doesn't appear at all throughout the video...
The DongDong in DongDong Game Center is not Golcha's Donghyun. For the agency, it's not only a Golcha content but having it vaguely become a Woollim content, it's too much that it makes the fans feel weird. I hope they can make it into a separate content...
Please save our son's content....
1. Staff.. Have your brains stopped working..? You really have no thoughts
2. Sigh...Our precious Dongdongie...DGC...
∟ I was baffled when episode 2 was released and I was like, "Are you sure it's their content...?"8ㅅ8 It's ours but can't we even say that it's ours?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ This is all Woollim's fault^^
3. Woollim, aren't you tired of getting cursed at even when you work?
4. They're not even guesting, so how can Woollim even think of using it together?
5. Eh, this isㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋHow can they even think that..
6. No, they can just change the name, no? Woollim, why are you like that? Seriously, why doesn't Dongdongie appear in DONGDONG!! Game Centerㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. Golcha fans, make sure you ask Woollim about it. But of course, I doubt that they'll even see it ..ㅜㅜ
8. It's not like it's a content that requires money and it doesn't require that much thinking, no..? It looks really troublesome
9. Please separate it.... Is it that hard to change the title...?
10. Woollim pulled a Woollim.....Seriously ..
11. Ah, I'm really annoyed..............
∟ Just putting a "with" doesn't solve anything, Woollim... Moreover, it has the same meaning in Korean as it does in English, so where's Dongdongie...
12. Eh, that's too weird. It's also weird that each episode is uploaded on different channels ㅋㅋ
13. DongDong Game Center that my son doesn't appear in~~!~!!!~!~! Woollim, seriously, what are you doing?
14. I'm a fan of other Woollim groups and I was baffled when it was uploaded. It's weird how they don't even respect the content with the member's personal name on it. It's not even a gaming vlog with a similar format and even the title is the same, so I don't understand why other groups are filming it too
15. This is really weird. It's not even Donghyun-nim doing it with other groups... It seems like Donghyun-nim doesn't appear and doesn't even get mentioned, so why use the name as it is??
16. I thought, "Eh? They can't do that if it's a guest appearance...?" but what DongDong Game Center is without the center's owner? I'm a fan of another group but I'm really dumbfounded
17. It would've been easier to just change the name. Why do they have to use it?
18. I clicked this thinking, "Ah, no way. This can't be Woollim, right?" Sigh...(facepalm)
19. I tend to think of Woollim well, but I really don't get them this time..No, it's clearly a content with Donghyun as the star..
20. I'm a fan of another group but I can't understand this...
21. I'm the type of fan who's very slow, but this is really not good. It's not like there's no solution to it and the fact that there's even a totally simple solution just makes it more annoying..
22. Was Woollim Entertainment established yesterday? Get yourself together
23. Woollim is seriously hopeless. They screw fans over with such new ways all the time. Even when they work and have no problem, I think the only problem is Woollim. I'm still angry. Sigh
24. ㅎㅎㅋㅋㅋ...I'm a fan of another group under Woollim...but their way of screwing fans over is seriously brilliant, for real..Was it so hard to take out own contents...
25. When my bias group's video was uploaded, the fans were angry at Woollim and we were complaining this and that to them, so I'm really dumbfounded that they uploaded it at a weird timeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They just moved on without any feedback~~~ They uploaded it in the summer but the girls were wearing padded jackets🤦🤦
26. DongDong Game Center without Dongdongie.. Is it because it's too troublesome to made an opening logo for each group, Woollim? Do you, at the very least, have some sincerity... It's not even Team Hong Chul without Hong Chulㅜㅎ You're only borrowing my son's name
27. I hate Woollim so much .. I really hate them .. I hate them so much, though ? Ah, I really hate them ..
28. No, but, this is so weird? It's a content that's openly using his nickname but slapping on a "with" and coming out like it's other groups' content,,? Moreover, the person who has the nickname doesn't even appear at all..?
29. Eh? Do Woollim not have any idea that they even borrow his name?
∟ Rather than idea, I think they have a problem with sense. Not even knowing that doing this would hurt fans...
30. Eh? Is it that troublesome for them to make a [different] content name and logo...
31. Seriously, how has Woollim been working like this for 10 years?
32. Eh, it's so funny even for a fan of another group. The agency really just doesn't know what fans want...?
33. Woollim, they really have no thoughts..Please thinkㅠㅠㅠ It's our son's content..but you're being insincere and improper
34. I'm a fan of another group, but it's really strange that other celebrities appear in his specialized content. I thought it was a Woollim content...And he doesn't even show up as an MC so it's not a "guesting" special in those 2 episodes. Moreover, I don't get how they shot it during winter and it wasn't released until summer. Woollim is so frustratingㅠㅠㅠㅠ
35. It's really nice that they make video contents of their artists gaming, but is it such a hard thing to do to separate it for each group....... Of course, at first I thought it was DongDong Game Center because they picked it from Donghyun's nickname, but when I saw episode 2, I was like, "Eh? Did I get it wrong?" and I was doubting it and thought to myself, "I guess it means something else." I'm such a fool..... Sigh ㅠ