Tuesday, August 4, 2020

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Random Golden Child Instiz Collection

Golcha's Jangjun-nim... He's really likable these days.....

He's mentioned a lot with my kid so I was like, "Oh, just how hilarious is he????" and looked up Jang Star.. He's handsome but also funny.......


1. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋWhat's with the pictureㅋㅋㅋ Thanksㅋㅋ
∟ (OP) I tried to express my sorrowful heart

2. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ (OP) Moreover, I heard he's a rapper..? This is the most shocking thing that I've heard this year
∟ YeahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI thought he was a vocalist at first too and I was shockedㅋㅋ
∟ (OP) No, he appeared on KOMS so he's also good at singing..? He's got everything... Ah, one thing that he lacks is that he doesn't have me...
∟ Nah, he's already perfect.

3. ㅎㅎㅎㅎJang Star~~~Yeah~~~

∟ (OP) No, is he crazy? I saved this just now like I was in a trance. I wanna have you, Lee Jangjun
∟ You can't have him-- However, look at the kind Lee Jangjun too

∟ (OP) Sigh................ He's perfect.

4. Handsome....

∟ (OP) Heol, so he has double eyelids. Heol, why didn't I know that? Aah, I want to be wedged in between his double eyelids

5. Lee Jangjun is freaking adorable

∟ (OP) What the, I wanna eat him up

Golcha's song ends so abruptly

The song is so nice, but why does it end like that? I was hyped singing "Yeah yeah yeah" and then a sudden break... It feels like when you're pooping and it suddenly cuts off (that unsatisfactory feeling)ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ퓨


1. Oh...So that's why I keep watching their stage endlessly....
∟ OP-ya, thanks. I finally found the reason
∟ (OP) AhㅋㅋㅋThe song is really, really good so I'm sad that it endsㅠ
∟ Right, right...Every time I watch their stage I'm like, "Don't end..."

2. I recommend watching the stages!!! They have a dance break at the end, so if you watch the performance, it's clean
∟ (OP) Okay, I'll look up the stages. But the song is so good so I was gonna look it up anywayㅎㅎ

3. When I first heard the audio, I was also like, "Oh? It's over?" I thought there would be more.. I've gotten used to it now
∟ (OP) I think I'll get used to it soon as well..ㅎ

4. I didn't think it was unfortunate because they danced so hard until the end with a dance breakㅋㅋㅋI also didn't feel incomplete when I heard the audio...Maybe it's different with each person
∟ (OP) Oh, is that so? I'm looking up their stage video now..
∟ I recommend MuBank♡
∟ (OP) What the, what the. This is a house of visuals👀Y-nim is the main vocalist?
∟ Yeah, he's the main vocalist with Joochan
∟ (OP) Do you... have any other Golcha video recommendation? I think I'm open to promotions..
∟ Watch Refreshing Child for this album's b-side
∟ (OP) Thanks❤️

5. Most songs normally consist of verse 1-chorus-verse 2-chorus-bridge-chorus, so.. when it's structured like verse 1-chorus-verse 2-chorus-outro, I think people can feel that it's awkward! But if you watch their performance, I don't think you can feel that it's unfortunate.. That's what I think!

6. Oh, I didn't think it like that, but it's possible that you can feel that way ㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The performance is really cool. Thank you for liking the song❤️
∟ (OP) I watched their stage just now and I'm in love... The performance really suits the song
∟ Right?ㅠㅠ The song is so cool and the b-side choreo is cute too !!! And I think that the song was made uniquely on purpose because the concept is "dream" ㅎㅎ
∟ (OP) Ah, heol, it's a dream concept? Now I get it! I'll watch the b-side too. Thanksㅎㅎ The anons here are promoting them the right way❤️
∟ Kya I'll promote the special choreography video that was released yesterday. The song is so good❤️❤️❤️

∟ I watched it just now! It's refreshing❤️But who is this person?

∟ He's Fairy-oppa, lead vocalist Bae Seungmin

∟ (OP) Adorable (hands over mouth)

I'm getting hit by Woollim so I looked up everything about them and now I like Golcha's Y

He doesn't really look cute, but he's cute and charmingㅜ


1. Wow, it's a post about our Sungyoon
∟ He's really a charming guyㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜSeriously, Sungyoonieㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ OP has great taste ❤️❤️❤️❤️
∟ (OP) Noㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I really like this person. He's charming...

2. He's handsome

3. I was about to ask if Sungyoon is Y's real name
∟ Anon 1 said it alreadyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
∟ (OP) I didn't know what his real name was. It fits his face

4. I like Sungyoonie

5. That's right. He's like this on stage but he's usually very cute...

∟ (OP) Heol, save save

6. Our Bunny is a cutie🥰

∟ (OP) I thought that he had a bunny face, but even his nickname is bunny. Sigh, so cute...

7. Right, Sungyoon is cuteㅜㅜㅜㅜ

8. Cheerful Y-Bunnyㅜㅜㅜ

The cute one in Golcha...

Who comes to mind?


1. Bong Jaehyan

2. Dongdong?

3. Donghyunie

4. Jaehyunie

5. Hong Joochan

6. Ddeungminie

7. Sungyoonie

8. Everyone in Golcha is cuteㅠ

9. Donghyunie

10. Bbangjae

11. Jaehyunie

12. Ddeongyoonie

13. Bong Jaehyun

14. Bae Seungmin

∟ Ah, cuteㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

(Why is Bae Seungmin so cute?
- F*ck, he's f*cking cute
- Calm down)

15. The title feels like it's by a non-fan, so, Dongdongie

16. Bomnie for me

17. I just saw a Daeljji photo so Daeljji for me

18. Bong Jaehyun and Lee Daeyeol because I watched the fanship todayㅠㅠㅠㅠ

19. Bong Jaehyun

20. Ddeungminie


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