I'm Golden Child Bong Jaehyun's junior and he was really a kind oppaㅇㅇ
I'm not trying to get him dragged... I'm just uploading this because it's a nice story
I'm 3 years his junior, I think? When I got into Young Hoon Elementary School, he was probably in 4th grade!
We used a school bus to go to school and it's a private school with students from all over Seoul, so there were about 20-30 types of buses!
The names were like Lion Bus and Rabbit Bus and I remember when I got lost, this oppa and his friends helped me find the way.. But he was such a quiet oppa at that time
There were a lot of unnies and oppas who only did figure skating or short track at our school, and I think this oppa did it too! I don't know if he did figure skating or short track
Anyway, the proof! He was a kind person,,
[+72 | -2] Our Bong Jaehyun is a gentle oneㅠㅠ Ah, seriously, I hope no one from Woollim has any past scandals coming out,,,ㅠㅠ
[+65 | -3] This babyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"I'll find the way for you" like this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAAAAAAAㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ♡♡
[+44 | -2] Maybe it's because I know his pictures from those days? Bong Jaehyun is cuteㅜㅜ
[+40 | -0] This is the funniest Golcha past stories among all the stories for meㅋㅋㅋㅋㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Kim Jibeom was a friend who ate 20 fritters in 1 minute)
∟ [+14 | -0] Nail Art Club Hong Joochan for me
∟ [+16 | -0] This is so Lee Jangjun that it makes me laughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(I heard that Jangjun said that bell-bottoms were becoming a thing so he lengthened his uniform pants and came to school in them.)
[+38 | -0] Thank you so much for this kind of post ㅠㅜ Ah, and he did short track!!
[+37 | -0] Look at the letter our Jaehyun write when he was in kindergarten. It's so, so cute❤️
(To: Giraffe Class teacher
Hello, I like it very much when the sun is shining. You (Teacher) are like a rainbow. I like the kind you (teacher) so much. May 13th, 2004. - Bong Jaehyun)
∟ [+8 | -0] Sigh,,,So f*cking cute. I sincerely love this guy even more and more,,,
∟ [+1 | -0] This is for real my healing pic ㅜㅜ
[+36 | -0] Short track Bong Jaehyun!
[+29 | -0] But I kinda.. I have trust in the Woollim kids. They won't have any school violence scandal and the people who have school violence scandals have been really good at creating their image, but apart from that, I just believe in [Woollim kids]
[+29 | -2] He's really...nice and gentle and looks kind..I thought that when I watched Golcha's Dingo Mafia
[+26 | -0] What do I do...He's the same as he is nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAAAAAAAAAA I'm going crazy. He's so, so cute
[+26 | -0] He's one of the F4 in kindergarten according to his teacher.. ㅜ They said he was adorable because he'd just be staring into space ㅋㅋ ㅋ
[+23 | -0] This is such a Bong Jaehyun storyㅋㅋㅋㅋThanks for letting us know!!
[+21 | -1] It's random but I suddenly thought of meat noodles Bong Jaehyun (WoollimPICK)ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"This is meat noodles...[Seungmin's] hungry too...."
[+20 | -0] Bong Jaehyun really grew up as he isㅜㅜ OP, I enjoyed the post. Thank you!
[+18 | -0] I love posts like this...It's calm..My mind..it's a very..unshaken calmness
[+18 | -0] Sigh, babyㅜㅜ
[+17 | -0] Lion Bus and Rabbit Bus, so cuteㅠ My mind is calm after reading this post
[+14 | -0] Oh, I remember him because he was one of the Jaehyunz. I read the post and saw the picture of him doing short track as a kid and it's so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+12 | -0] Ah, are you crazy? Bong Jaehyun? He's so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I love this kind of stories ㅠㅠㅠ
[+12 | -0] I'm going crazy because he's adorable. Agh, I just imagined it and it's so cute
[+10 | -0] Sigh, what a really cute story.. He's a soft and gentle person even now, still the sameㅜ
[+9 | -0] Heol, Young Hoon Elementary... I heard that it's a school where students are driven to school in nice cars, pull their high quality carrier bags with their tiny hands and chat in Arabic or foreign languages on the way to school...