Golchas, who's stronger between Donghyun and Jaehyun??
1. Isn't Jaenni stronger...?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. They arm wrestled before, though
3. Wouldn't Jaenni have more strength...? But have those two ever gotten into a physical fight before?
∟ (OP) No, no... These two are so peaceful...
∟ See...The two soft boys...
4. Yup yupㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋDonghyun probably has a stronger grip...?
∟ (OP) Right... I think Jaenni has the lowest grip..
5. Wouldn't Jaehyun be stronger? Why... .
6. For strength itself, I think Jaehyun would be stronger, but I feel like he wouldn't give that much strength when he's against Donghyun.. He's a soft human by nature too, so...
∟ So wouldn't Donghyun win if they get into a fight...
∟ (OP) That's a given
∟ (OP) First of all, I think Jaenni's will to fight will lose out [to Donghyun's]
7. I think Jaehyun won when they arm wrestled beforeㅋㅋㅋ