Saturday, February 20, 2021

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Fans Discuss Who's Stronger Between Jaehyun & Donghyun

Golchas, who's stronger between Donghyun and Jaehyun??


1. Isn't Jaenni stronger...?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. They arm wrestled before, though

3. Wouldn't Jaenni have more strength...? But have those two ever gotten into a physical fight before?
∟ (OP) No, no... These two are so peaceful...
∟ See...The two soft boys...

4. Yup yupㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋDonghyun probably has a stronger grip...?
∟ (OP) Right... I think Jaenni has the lowest grip..

5. Wouldn't Jaehyun be stronger? Why... .

6. For strength itself, I think Jaehyun would be stronger, but I feel like he wouldn't give that much strength when he's against Donghyun.. He's a soft human by nature too, so...
∟ So wouldn't Donghyun win if they get into a fight...
∟ (OP) That's a given
∟ (OP) First of all, I think Jaenni's will to fight will lose out [to Donghyun's]

7. I think Jaehyun won when they arm wrestled beforeㅋㅋㅋ

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