Tuesday, March 9, 2021

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The Agency of Synchronization

Honestly, an agency that does synchronization well

I think Woollim=Infinite, so I look up their knife-like dance
Of course, I'm curious, so I also look up their juniors

I watch Woollim's girl group Lovelyz's dance practice videos and behind the scenes and they're almost like the girl version of Infinite..

I was shocked when I watched their Twinkle stage... Their synchronization is awesome..

Next, I watch the Golden Child kids too and as expected, Woollim is Woollim

Their synchronization is the best too. I think Woollim does synchronization well
Infinite also held the image of synchronized-dol in the beginning too
and the agency kids all practice hard for it. It's incredible how they practice until the mirror in the practice room fog up..

(It hasn't been long since DRIPPIN and Rocket Punch debuted so I couldn't find anything ㅠ)


[+54 | -0] You'll form a pride for synchronization and live singing when you become a fan of Woollim. Seriously, even their concerts have live bands and they also have the Woollim THE LIVE content. I love Woollim singers

[+51 | -1] Even Golden Child's Burn It stages this time... At first, fans were listening to the high notes party and wondering whether they could sing this live while dancing, and we heard that the choreo was difficult too, so we were like, "How can they sing this live..." But I watched their comeback stage where they cast that concern aside and clearly sang live, and I got goosebumps. I have pride for Woollim idols' talents. Even if they ignore most things, neglecting their main job is unacceptable

[+50 | -0] Woollim is seriously a live genius and synchronization genius

[+33 | -0] The best..

[+29 | -0] I was shocked when I saw this..

[+29 | -0] Infinite and Golcha are like that. Except for the dance-line members, it's really amazing how they brought in kids who couldn't dance at first and they completed a synchronized group dance. So for Infinite, they can't dance to any other song but theirsㅋㅋㅋㅋ They don't know how toㅋㅋㅋ But they're still great at singing live

[+26 | -0] I'd go, "Whoa~~" when a group is just in sync, but their skills of dancing in knife-like precision while also singing live as if they're eating CDs.. That is so amazing that it makes me go speechless... Just how much did they practice... Dancing in sync while singing on a live stage ㅠㅠ I trust to listen to Woollim idols

[+23 | -0] Their synchronization is crazy

[+21 | -0] These guys dance and sing live like that.....Awesomeㅠㅠ This is the taste of stanning Woollimㅠㅠ

[+21 | -0] The legendary It's U

[+20 | -0] Woollim has pride for its synchronization, so I like that even the juniors are practicing hard for it!

[+19 | -0] I love that all the Woollim groups are singing live on top of dancing in sync ㅠㅠㅠ As a Lovelinus, I've gone to a lot of their concerts and I was surprised that they had live bands in every concert. They sing while dancing like that..

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