An idol who was terrorized because of Youtubers who ridicule [idols]
(t/n: not translating the content of the hate comments in the screenshots. This will be the last post regarding the hate comments that I will translate)
First of all, I'm a fan of another group and honestly, I first came to know about TAG because of the controversial video. SN (t/n: Youtuber who posts videos mocking idols) didn't upload the first video, but it was an edited video uploaded by a hate account, not SN nor JT (t/n: another one like SN). When I first saw it, I also thought that it was controversial, but the more I saw it, the more questionable points I saw. I'm writing this because I think there are still so many people who swear at him.. People are being neutral with school violence scandals even until the end, so I have no idea why people aren't being neutral about this. I see it as nothing but people who ridicule others to relieve their stress. Before you diss him, read the summary of the incident. Please refer to the link below to take a closer look.
These are the hate comments that TAG has been receiving until now.
Daum Cafe hate comments
Twitter hate comments
A mean comment acting as if it's a joke
He didn't even do anything when the bullying scandals were blowing up but they made up rumors about him
A comment bashing fans
Interpreting another person's life however they want
Sexual harassment comment (+ there are also many comments calling him a pr*stitute)
The scarier thing is that people are laughing at the comments harassing him..
If you have time, I'd be grateful if you can report these videos.
Let's not bash other people's idols.. The more problematic thing about this is that fans of other groups who aren't involved with that incident are mocking him. They call Golcha fans people who cover their eyes and ears [to the "truth"] and stuff and I wonder if they're haters who accept facts as a shield even when they're presented with them because they're the ones who are covering their eyes and ears and want to diss him even more. It's sad that it seems like there are so many people who get a kick out of ridiculing people while being lenient when it comes to their own mistakes.
[+101 | -11] The ones who were waiting and being neutral were the fans. Meanwhile, it got bigger and if you say no, is this how humans behave? Bullying every fan and ridiculing them?? I was ridiculed too so I know. Whatever [fans] said got [them] mocked and there was so much of it in the hate posts, so there were way less explanation posts not long ago? Of course, I'm grateful to many fans of other groups who cleared their misunderstanding and cheered for us. We don't want much, just stop ridiculing him when you don't understand anything. Fans always look at this member carefully and when it seems like he's having a hard time, it's like we're going crazy because we feel uneasy. Use the time you take to write malicious comments for our member to write pretty words for your bias
[+98 | -17] Please, can you please stop with the malicious comments and mockeries? I'm really begging you. Youngtaek is a kid who always says pretty things to his fans, so he's been hurt for months since that day. Seriously, stop writing malicious comments for once. Please...
[+97 | -8] I'm really thankful that OP is doing this even though they're a fan of another group. Of course, it won't change the minds of all the people who are hating on Youngtaek and laughing at that video, but really, just a few people changing their minds is very precious. We don't want good comments or turn you into a fan, but put yourself in our shoes just once and imagine what if it was your bias, so please stop with the ridicules and hate comments.
[+53 | -9] Watch his V Live on February 25th. He looked very insecure. I felt so upset the whole time I was watching it live, so please, hate commenters, think before you leave a comment. It may be fun and humorous for you guys, but put yourself in TAG's shoes, the one who's being ridiculed, and think about how painful it is
[+48 | -2] The reason why the problem with Golcha TAG's hate comments is being uploaded and needs to keep being uploaded: it's been almost half a year since the incident but he's still getting malicious words in the newest comments in all of his videos ╋) SN and others were still uploading mocking videos and comments a week or two ago. It's to the point where fans can't even do some searching and it dominates his related searches on Naver, Google, Youtube, everything
[+46 | -5] But if you think about it a bit, the weird thing is that if he was really a fan hater, other videos of him being insincere at fansigns would've been uploaded when that issue blew up, but reading the fan accounts, it's only filled with good fan accounts.. This was the weirdest thing for me
[+46 | -4] He ranked 2nd during the admission into Hanlim Practical Dance department, so it seems like he's at least living harder than people who write hate comments in the corner of their roomㅋㅋㅋ Do you wanna do that to a kid who's working hard..
[+40 | -39] Balance the upvote/downvote
(When you look at the comments section here or on Twitter, I think you'll know why K-Pop is going downhill;; Idol fans keep blaming the agency or the singer but the fandom culture is turning so stupid with fans who love but also hate their idols. Please, is it so hard to ask you to look at people as people?)
[+39 | -4] I've actually seen him looking insecure. I'm sure there were fans who cried and whose hearts were broken while watching that in real-time. That one short V Live was so sad because he seemed like he was having a hard time too... Honestly, when I look at the people who ridicule him, they seem like they're attacking him in the hope that they will ruin him. When I see that, I also think that they're deranged. Just how hard is it for the one who's being ridiculed?
[+37 | -3] Honestly, I also misunderstood him, but I now know the full story so I'm apologetic..ㅜㅠ I'm sorry, fans. I had something like this happen to my [idol] too so I really know how you feel, so I'm even more apologetic. I honestly think that this is the fault of the fan who publicized [the video]. I'll stream their next comeback on music site, even just for a bit..!