Saturday, March 27, 2021


Goldenness Shower Anon With Pretty Jangjun GIFs

Who is this person.....

Should I say that he has the bad boy vibe? He looks sharpㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


1. Jangjun?
∟ So Golcha's Jangjun is cool tone,,
∟ (OP) Yeah, I'm not well-versed in personal colors but he has the cool tone vibe

2. Golden Child's Jangjun
∟ (OP) Ah, Jangjun. That hermit crab meme!!!!

3. Golcha's Jangjun!!!!!
∟ Lee Jangjun!!!!!

∟ (OP) He's a master of black hair..?

4. Jangjunie.. Actually, after getting to know him, he's the cutest comedian in the world. Welcome

5. Wanna see this too?

∟ (OP) Heok, is that silver?hair!!!
∟ I think it's like ash gray😆😆

6. Wanna see this too?

∟ How about this?

∟ See this too..

∟ But actually, this guy is also cute?

∟ (OP) Ah, crazy. I wanna poke his cheeks. Please..

7. Whoa, our Jangjyuni!!

∟ (OP) Heol, what should I type to see him in that uniform??
∟ Golcha Growl cover!!
∟ (OP) Ugh, Growlㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Actually I just watched a few of the fancams..

8. Lee Jangjun is the best

∟ (OP) What is he saying here??? Hi?
∟ It was the Pump It Up goodbye stage so in the middle he was like, "Bye-yeom~~"!
∟ (OP) Sigh, he's so cute..

9. Heok, it's Jangjun

∟ (OP) Ah, this is really the prettiest..........
∟ Right... This is my favorite gif...
∟ (OP) I'm looking at all the gifs one by oneㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm happy

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